Writing Prompts – Creative Copy Challenge #269

This is a writing prompt. Bet you can’t do it! Take the 10 random words below and crush writer’s block by creating a cohesive, creative short story! And remember: after (if) you finish entering your submission into the comment field, highlight your words and click the bold button to make them stand out and help you determine if you forgot any words. (If you’ve missed previous writing prompts, we BET YOU CAN’T do those, either.)

  1. Split
  2. Lace
  3. Tender
  4. Liquid
  5. Path
  6. Tension
  7. Tears
  8. Whole
  9. Miss
  10. Crop

NOTE: Don’t copy and paste from MS Word. Use a program like notepad that removes formatting or just type in the comment field itself. Also, finish your submission, THEN bold the words. Thanks. (And don’t forget to tweet this and share it with your friends.)

81 Comments on “Writing Prompts – Creative Copy Challenge #269”

  1. “Where do babies come from?” Little Johnny looks to his big brother, as Mommy carries Fiona upstairs for a nap.

    Stevie, all of eleven years old, gives Johnny a life lesson:

    “Biology is as simple as the birds and the bees. It begins with a lovely Miss,  sitting in the dusty path between fields. She must have on a frilly lace dress with a split that shows her calves. A handsome Mister comes down the path, worrying about the crop. He doesn’t see the lovely Miss, on account of all his worrying.

    “The lovely Miss gets mad and busts into tears. The Mister hears her and runs back. He has to kneel down beside her, whip out his crusty handkerchief and dab at the liquid running down her cheeks. This is to remove the tension. They both have to relax.

    Tender stuff goes on for two whole minutes. Nine months later, she has one or two more calves.

    • Cathy Miller says:

      @Mitch-OMG-LOL!! 😀 Best life lesson I’ve heard.

    • Anthony Smits says:

      One or two more, eh? Classic, Mitch. 

    • Shane Arthur says:

      @Mitch: Oh man! Too funny, especially since my soon-to-be five-year-old son is starting to ask about pee-pees and such.

    • Liss Thomas says:

      Somewhat speechless.  Lack of oxygen from laughing!

    • @Anthony, speaking of waiting nine months! How have you been? It’s always a pleasure seeing you.
      @Shane, have fun with it. Oops that came out wrong. Oops, again with the malaprops! Dang. I love the innocent questions of our little ones.
      @Liss, I’m glad this made you laugh. I had so much fun imagining this “lecture”.

    • Kathleen K says:

      Mitch — I Loved this! Whhoooppp Wwhhoooopppp. I started laughin’ nearly from the beginning. Thanks for the light hearted look at life.

    • K says:

      This is… simply brilliant!

    • K says:

      A long submission…

      The unimaginable, the inconceivable, happened before her eyes, and Skye did nothing to prevent it. Tension arose between the duo sitting across from her. A year ago, Luke would’ve exchanged discreet, tender looks in Crystal’s direction, and she would’ve grinned the whole day, shining as usual. But now, Crystal’s eyes refused to lift from the ground while Luke tossed frequent reproachful glances at her.
      “I-” Luke broke the silence.

      “There’s nothing between Zico and me, okay?” Crystal interjected, her voice wavering at the end. It was obvious that Crystal repressed her tears from being shed. 

      “You’re missing the whole point here. He could be an enemy for all you know. He lived in the Mainland for two years. How do you know he won’t turn us in the next day, huh?” Luke’s intonation ascended with every word passing from his lips.

      “And how do you know he’s an enemy? Can you prove it without judging him with baseless facts? It’s like saying it’s the girl’s fault for being taken advantage of when she’s wearing a skirt with lace. Besides, I think I would know if he was working for Kris by now.” Crystal vehemently refuted.

      “No, no, you wouldn’t,” stated Luke, leading Crystal to glare at him. 

      “I’m not a child anymore. I just turned eighteen, and I hope you remember that. I see no harm with Zico, and so does Jin and Skye, right?” she faced Skye expectantly. Skye hesitated then nodded.

      Guys…” Skye tried to intervene in Jin’s absence. Unfortunately, Luke continued with his rebuttal.

      “Spare me the age thing again. It doesn’t matter if you’re eighteen or sixty-five, if you can’t even stab something correctly, I’ll always look out for you.”

      “Why?” Crystal asked, running a hand through her hair. “You’re not obligated to watch over me, so could you please explain?” Luke scowled, grinding his teeth. He didn’t answer to Crystal’s consternation.

      “Fine,” she began, “if you can’t explain then I have no reason to appear in front of you again.”
      Rising to her feet, Crystal then walked down the unlit hallway. A door slam reverberated in the compound, lingering in the tense atmosphere.

      “Luke,” Skye started. Before she could continue, Kai made an appearance.  Luke promptly left the table and likewise, shut himself in his room. Skye sighed, burying her face in her hands. She felt Kai take a seat beside her. He patted her shoulder.

      “What’s wrong? Did they argued over Zico again?” asked Kai. Skye removed her hands and nodded. The sound of fracturing glass pierced both of their ears.

      “It’s getting worse day by day.” Skye replayed the preceding events occuring these last few months. Problems cropped up ever since the five of them witnessed Jin’s close friend, Caesar’s, death by horrifying mutilation. Things were supposed to look up after that, or so Skye hoped. But as history told again, the world was not a welcoming place. No portion of society was exempted from uncertainty, avarice, discrimination, or the death toll. 

      “It’s not your fault. We knew what we signed up for following you and Jin. Crystal, Luke, and I knew exactly what forging on this path entailed. They’re best friends. Just give them a few days to sort it all out.”

      “Ok, thanks.” Skye felt a small part of her burden lift from her shoulders. “What brings you to the complex this early? Where’s Jin?”

      “I was afraid you would say that,” Kai licked his lips and rubbed his wrist.

      “What? Where’s Jin? Did something happen to him?” Skye demanded an answer. Her apprehensions manifested in the pit of her stomach and swallowed her entire body in a wave of paranoia.

      “He found a breach in the gate,” explained Kai.

      “How? We couldn’t find one ever since we got here.”

      “Underneath a pebble as big as a nail, there was a metal pad when he dug. Jin disabled it and found an underground passage leading to the other side.”

      “That’s great! So-”

      “I heard a gunshot and hid in the bushes. Jin was still out. He got captured, Skye.” Fatigue caught up with Skye from the news, forcing her head to droop onto Kai’s shoulder.

      “Skye, are you okay?!” he lightly slapped her cheek.

      “I’m fine.” Skye’s breathing was labored. “Just a little tired. Looks like we need to pay another visit to the Mainland now that we have a way out. We’re leaving tomorrow.”

      “Jin wasn’t taken by Kris’ men, Skye,” Kai clarified.

      “Then, who-”

      “Suho captured Jin.” With that, Skye bumped her knee underneath the table, causing a glass of unknown liquid Crystal concocted from earlier to slip from the edge. Kai scooted away from Skye in order to avoid getting the questionable liquid on him. In that brief moment, he split away from Skye much like how this group was falling apart. Skye foresaw this, and yet she was unable to turn the events into her favor.

  2. Cathy Miller says:

    If I but split the lace of a tethered life, will the tender sound of peace ooze through the chambers of my heart in liquid relief? The path to tension is lined with the tears of hurt, leaving the whole flooded in pain. Do I miss the signs along the way or take the road where the new crop of hope is grown?

  3. Jennifer says:

    The sound of beakers, filled whole with amber colored liquid, shattering as they hit the floor caused Dr. Lantha to tear path of upended gurneys and body parts with a lace of odd stitching to the lab. Upon arrival he found this season’s crop of experiments had been destroyed by the blast in a split second. Tension filled the lab as the animals trampled trough the sticky goo to see if anything had been spared. Otto, the lab assistant/chimp noted the blast was a near miss; one beaker resting high upon the top shelf was spared. This joyous news brought tender tears to Dr. Lantha’s eyes. All was not lost.

  4. Briony Coote says:

    Tanier ran frantically down the farm path, for he had to get to his sky-sprayer before it was too late – a swarm of the dreaded cerula had been spotted. Tanier knew all too well that could mean to his friggle pods: the cerula would devour his tender little friggle pods and strip his fields whole. And it was not only the friggle pods – cerula would devour every green thing in sight, leaving only heart-breaking stalks on bare ground. If his crops were all lost he would have no money for this year’s rent, miss out his advance for next year’s crop…the thought of what that could mean for him and his family brought tears to his eyes, but he fought them back. He had no time for crying – he had to get to his sky-sprayer and stop the cerula before they hit.

    Tanier jumped into his sky-sprayer and took off towards the glittering cloud of lace-patterned wings that flashed against the sunlight. They were nearly upon his farm – only split seconds to act. He touched a point on his console and jets of billowing smoke shot out from nozzles. The smoke hit the glittering wings; they stopped cold and plunged into tail spins towards the ground. Tanier caught glimpses of a few glittering wings scattering into the sky – the ones who would get away. But it didn’t matter; they were only odd ones. Relief now eased the tension in his sweating body, but then he realised he sure could do with a drink. He ordered the computer to pour him a cup of hershberry tea, and steamy ruby-red liquid poured into his waiting cup. He took the cup and set the sprayer on autopilot so he could lean back and relax as he sipped happily on the nice, hot, refreshing hershberry tea.

    • Shane Arthur says:

      @Briony: Welcome to the CCC. That was awesome! Loved the twist ending and the topic. I built my first greenhouse this year to keep out the stink bugs. I don’t know how, but the grasshoppers got inside and did a mess with my tomatoes, cucumbers, and beans. I could have used a plane sprayer!
      Everyone welcome Briony to the end of writer’s block.

      • Cathy Miller says:

        @Jennifer @ Briony – Welcome to CCC!

        We split from mediocrity to lace our words with soul. The tender lead a liquid path of tension tears that soon will make us whole. The foolish makes us smile and the macabre reminds all of our fragile life. And this is why we never miss our crop of challenge words.


    • Briony, welcome to the CCC! I enjoyed that action scene. It’s great to see some pure alien angst among the weekly travails of human drama.

    • Kathleen K says:

      Briony, welcome to the addiction at CCC! Write On, Kathleen

  5. Anthony Smits says:

    As I look into our past across our farm, I remember when you swallowed your last liquid, just a year ago today. Even as life and tension drained away you still had a tender smile for me. You said you wanted living memories; I planted a whole crop of lace bark and liquid amber. Do you see them, by the split-rail fence?  
    Amid tears, I miss you.

  6. Shane Arthur says:

    “Wanna split this joint with me?”

    “Yeah, man, it’s been a while … What the fuck, dude? This fucker’s laced; you know I don’t do that shit, man!”

    “Haha, chill out, Tenderfoot.”

    “Tenderfoot my ass. You know I’ll fuck your ass up; and you know I stick to the liquids and a joint every blue moon, man. Your shit’s getting’ old, Jeeks”

    “Whatevers, man. Whatevers.”

    He knew not to cross my path with tension. He knew I could bring him tears, a whole lot of ‘um. But that loveboat made stupid people stupider, one too many times, and it delivered the bearer of bad news.

    Nobody will miss him, not even the corn crops six feet overhead.

  7. My entry for this one:

    Under Pressure
    The tender bonding lace
    under tension; going to split
    this path of liquid tears; whole
    should we crop these final strands
    in the end; what will I miss? 

  8. Liss Thomas says:

    I’ve been missing for only a few hours.  I doubt a search party will start looking for me until tomorrow but it will be too late.  I cling in desperation to the remains of my small boat, now a few lingering pieces of charred wood.  My wound paints my location with an intoxicating liquid, like a grotesque beacon for hungry predators.  Soon tension and fatigue push me under the deep blue sea.
    My breath is going and my eyes glaze until something tender caresses my skin, fingers.  I focus through the distorted water to see a face, not quite like my own.  Even under water I see tears on her face, iridescent drops rolling down pale cheeks.  Skin as thin as lace web her fingers and trail down her body in beautiful petals. 
    A whole crop of shark appear to circle us.  I inhale in shock but my lungs don’t burn with salt water.  Instead I seem to be breathing normal.  I look back at her face and she smiles.  She pulls me along, splitting the circle of sharks, who seem cautious of us.  Our path takes us several miles and we encounter more sea creatures who watch but keep their distance.  Soon the outline of a boat appears above us and I find myself pushed to the surface.  Shouts fill my ears and arms reach to pull me aboard.
    I want to ask if they see her, the mermaid.  Soon I only have a picture of her face in my mind but it fades to the eyes, finally the smile I remember fades leaving nothing.  They ask their questions but they are the same ones I ask myself.  “What happened?”

  9. Kathleen K says:

    The split in the lace exposed the tender bronze skin on her thigh. The liquid that ran a path beneath her and out of view showed up the deepest shade of black in the tone on tone photograph. The tension on the rope was more than evident, even to the causal observer. The tears were evident as well, making their own path down her face. Nothing was missed. Yet… the photographer cropped the photo in tight… to focus the view on her eyes, the fear … the sadness as the picture as a whole would tell too much.

  10. Shane Arthur says:

    Programming Note:
    Just wanted to say how glad I am that I started this site many moons ago. I just wanted to have a fun place to explore the magic of writing. You all have indeed made this place magical for me. Thanks much. That is all.

    • Kathleen K says:

      Shane — I am glad you started this a couple of moons ago too. 
      If I have not said it aloud, I shall remedy this now — I love this site. I love the prompts. I love the feedback. I come here when I want to write, when I need to write, when I don’t have a lot of time to write. I tell others about this gathering place! I invite them to join us.

      I have begun writing “stuff” here and I am glad for the spurring.

      And as life throws me a multitude of curve balls… I know I can come here… and enjoy sometime. 

      Thank you,


      • Shane Arthur says:

        @kathleen: Thank you kindly. I remember when this site started. Although I had practice with this form, I hadn’t done it in a while and I had to work at it to get the challenges finished. Now, I crush these things like nothing. Writer’s block is a silly myth to me now. I OWN IT NOW!

        • Kathleen K says:

          Shane — you are very welcome. And I agree… “Writer’s Block” is a myth to me too… I found it to be lack of concentration.  and  You Do Own It…. Keep Up the Good Work.

          Write On,

    • Liss Thomas says:

      Shane, I love these Challenges and it wakes me early when I know there are words waiting for me to construct a picture from my head.

    • Cathy Miller says:

      @Shane CCC lives on because of your tireless efforts – okay, maybe you get tired, but you’d never know it. 🙂 I count you & CCC among my blessings. 🙂

    • Shane, I owe my literary output to your wonderful site. On top of that, I’ve discovered many wonderful books from the authors here.
      You rock. Heh, I was going to call you the Mark Zuckerberg of Writing Prompt Social Networking, but I don’t know if you’d be flattered or insulted. I mean it in the best way: you brought together readers and writers AND teachers.

  11. Briony Coote says:

    Thank you for the feedback on my first attempt at a creative copy challenge. I forgot to introduce myself back then, so thnk you for welcoming me also.

  12. […] Creative Copy Challenge #269 […]

  13. Rebecca says:

    Does it feel as if your path been has been paved with tears your whole life?
    The salty, liquid droplets seeping from your eyes release the tension within you.
    Be tender with yourself for you have not missed your life’s purpose.
    It’s time to split from the ‘stinking thinking’ you’ve adopted as truth.
    Crop out the pollution from your mind once and for all.
    Lace your mind with good feeling thoughts that make you smile.
    It’s your time to shine in the spotlight.

  14. Cathy Miller says:

    ♥ this @Rebecca 🙂

  15. Rebecca says:

    @ Mitch… As your Queen of Affirmations, I thank you! 

    @ Shane… Works for me.  :) 

    @ Cathy… Thank you! 


  16. K says:

    A long submission…

    The unimaginable, the inconceivable, happened before her eyes, and Skye did nothing to prevent it. Tension arose between the duo sitting across from her. A year ago, Luke would’ve exchanged discreet, tender looks in Crystal’s direction, and she would’ve grinned the whole day, shining as usual. But now, Crystal’s eyes refused to lift from the ground while Luke tossed frequent reproachful glances at her.
    “I-” Luke broke the silence.

    “There’s nothing between Zico and me, okay?” Crystal interjected, her voice wavering at the end. It was obvious that Crystal repressed her tears from being shed. 

    “You’re missing the whole point here. He could be an enemy for all you know. He lived in the Mainland for two years. How do you know he won’t turn us in the next day, huh?” Luke’s intonation ascended with every word passing from his lips.

    “And how do you know he’s an enemy? Can you prove it without judging him with baseless facts? It’s like saying it’s the girl’s fault for being taken advantage of when she’s wearing a skirt with lace. Besides, I think I would know if he was working for Kris by now.” Crystal vehemently refuted.

    “No, no, you wouldn’t,” stated Luke, leading Crystal to glare at him. 

    “I’m not a child anymore. I just turned eighteen, and I hope you remember that. I see no harm with Zico, and so does Jin and Skye, right?” she faced Skye expectantly. Skye hesitated then nodded.

    “Guys…” Skye tried to intervene in Jin’s absence. Unfortunately, Luke continued with his rebuttal.

    “Spare me the age thing again. It doesn’t matter if you’re eighteen or sixty-five, if you can’t even stab something correctly, I’ll always look out for you.”

    “Why?” Crystal asked, running a hand through her hair. “You’re not obligated to watch over me, so could you please explain?” Luke scowled, grinding his teeth. He didn’t answer to Crystal’s consternation.

    “Fine,” she began, “if you can’t explain then I have no reason to appear in front of you again.” Rising to her feet, Crystal then walked down the unlit hallway. A door slam reverberated in the compound, lingering in the tense atmosphere.

    “Luke,” Skye started. Before she could continue, Kai made an appearance.  Luke promptly left the table and likewise, shut himself in his room. Skye sighed, burying her face in her hands. She felt Kai take a seat beside her. He patted her shoulder.

    “What’s wrong? Did they argued over Zico again?” asked Kai. Skye removed her hands and nodded. The sound of fracturing glass pierced both of their ears.

    “It’s getting worse day by day.” Skye replayed the preceding events occuring these last few months. Problems cropped up ever since the five of them witnessed Jin’s close friend, Caesar’s, death by horrifying mutilation. Things were supposed to look up after that, or so Skye hoped. But as history told again, the world was not a welcoming place. No portion of society was exempted from uncertainty, avarice, discrimination, or the death toll. 

    “It’s not your fault. We knew what we signed up for following you and Jin. Crystal, Luke, and I knew exactly what forging on this path entailed. They’re best friends. Just give them a few days to sort it all out.”

    “Ok, thanks.” Skye felt a small part of her burden lift from her shoulders. “What brings you to the complex this early? Where’s Jin?”

    “I was afraid you would say that,” Kai licked his lips and rubbed his wrist.

    “What? Where’s Jin? Did something happen to him?” Skye demanded an answer. Her apprehensions manifested in the pit of her stomach and swallowed her entire body in a wave of paranoia.

    “He found a breach in the gate,” explained Kai.

    “How? We couldn’t find one ever since we got here.”

    “Underneath a pebble as big as a nail, there was a metal pad when he dug. Jin disabled it and found an underground passage leading to the other side.”

    “That’s great! So-”

    “I heard a gunshot and hid in the bushes. Jin was still out. He got captured, Skye.” Fatigue caught up with Skye from the news, forcing her head to droop onto Kai’s shoulder.

    “Skye, are you okay?!” he lightly slapped her cheek.

    “I’m fine.” Skye’s breathing was labored. “Just a little tired. Looks like we need to pay another visit to the Mainland now that we have a way out. We’re leaving tomorrow.”

    “Jin wasn’t taken by Kris’ men, Skye,” Kai clarified.

    “Then, who-”

    “Suho captured Jin.” With that, Skye bumped her knee underneath the table, causing a glass of unknown liquid Crystal concocted from earlier to slip from the edge. Kai scooted away from Skye in order to avoid getting the questionable liquid on him. In that brief moment, he split away from Skye much like how this group was falling apart. Skye foresaw this, and yet she was unable to turn the events into her favor.

  17. Lebbie says:

    Just discovered this site.  You all are amazing and so creative. 

    Today was supposed to have been a day of celebration.  There should have been sappy cards, bouquets of flowers, a candlelight dinner, an evening filled with tender touches.  Hugs and kisses were supposed to erase the path taken.  I love you’s were supposed to resurrect dormant emotions, just like an evening’s downpour could save a worried farmer’s crop.  I’m sorry’s were supposed to make a broken life whole again.

    Instead, she was alone, sitting in his recliner as she thumbed through the album.  They were so young, she in her lace dress and he in that rented tuxedo that split down the leg after a particularly energetic turn on the dance floor.  Untarnished by disappointment and unfulfilled dreams, their happily ever after was brand new and tears shed that day were joyful exclamations.  She would always miss what should have been.

    Wiping the salty liquid from her cheeks as the room was illuminated by carlights, she quickly rose to reheat a cold meal.  They should have ate hours ago, enjoying each other in the precious silence remaining when children are shipped to grandma’s for the night.  She should not have been sick with tension, wondering if this was the night he would not return.  She should not have been alone…alone with only regret as her companion while her husband celebrated their anniversary with someone else. 

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