Writing Prompts – Creative Copy Challenge #407

CCC # 406

This is a writing prompt. Bet you can’t do it! Take the 10 random words below and crush writer’s block by creating a cohesive, creative short story! And remember: after (if) you finish entering your submission into the comment field, highlight your words and click the bold button to make them stand out and help you determine if you forgot any words. (If you’ve missed previous writing prompts, we BET YOU CAN’T do those, either.) NOTE: Our bolding plugin is gone, so you’ll have to put <b> before and </b> after each of your challenge words if you want them to stand out, but NOT REQUIRED THOUGH.

  1. Warts
  2. Warts n all
  3. Werewolves
  4. Vile
  5. Undead
  6. Unnerving
  7. Terrorvision
  8. Spine tingling
  9. Sinister
  10. Skelebob

Writing Prompts – Creative Copy Challenge #406

This is a writing prompt. Bet you can’t do it! Take the 10 random words below and crush writer’s block by creating a cohesive, creative short story! And remember: after (if) you finish entering your submission into the comment field, highlight your words and click the bold button to make them stand out and help you determine if you forgot any words. (If you’ve missed previous writing prompts, we BET YOU CAN’T do those, either.) NOTE: Our bolding plugin is gone, so you’ll have to put <b> before and </b> after each of your challenge words if you want them to stand out, but NOT REQUIRED THOUGH.

For this week’s challenge: (Note: sorry for the delay of posting. Mud slides, closed roads and finding a new way to make it to my day job took extra hours and had my focus, out here in Eastern Kern County, California, USA.)

I found a list of Homophones — each of two or more words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spellings:

  1. Pale
  2. Pail
  3. Ate
  4. Eight
  5. Alter
  6. Altar
  7. Band
  8. Banned
  9. Buy
  10. Bye

Writing Prompt – Creative Copy Challenge #405

This is a writing prompt. Bet you can’t do it! Take the 10 random words below and crush writer’s block by creating a cohesive, creative short story! And remember: after (if) you finish entering your submission into the comment field, highlight your words and click the bold button to make them stand out and help you determine if you forgot any words. (If you’ve missed previous writing prompts, we BET YOU CAN’T do those, either.) NOTE: Our bolding plugin is gone, so you’ll have to put <b> before and </b> after each of your challenge words if you want them to stand out, but NOT REQUIRED THOUGH.

For this week’s challenge:

The English language includes an interesting category of words and phrases called contronyms (also spelledcontranyms, or referred to asautoantonyms) — terms that, depending on context, can have opposite or contradictory meanings. When you use these words, be sure the context clearly identifies which meaning is intended:

  1. Apology: A statement of contrition for an action, or a defense of one
  2. Aught: All, or nothing
  3. Bolt: To secure, or to flee
  4. Bound: Heading to a destination, or restrained from movement
  5. Dollop: A large amount (British English), or a small amount
  6. Dust: To add fine particles, or to remove them
  7. Enjoin: To impose, or to prohibit
  8. Finished: Completed, or ended or destroyed
  9.  First degree: Most severe in the case of a murder charge, or least severe in reference to a burn
  10. Fix: To repair, or to castrate

Writing Prompts – Creative Copy Challenge #404

This is a writing prompt. Bet you can’t do it! Take the 10 random words below and crush writer’s block by creating a cohesive, creative short story! And remember: after (if) you finish entering your submission into the comment field, highlight your words and click the bold button to make them stand out and help you determine if you forgot any words. (If you’ve missed previous writing prompts, we BET YOU CAN’T do those, either.) NOTE: Our bolding plugin is gone, so you’ll have to put <b> before and </b> after each of your challenge words if you want them to stand out, but NOT REQUIRED THOUGH.

  1. Wanweird – an unhappy fate
  2. Xyloplist – one who sells wood products
  3. Viaginity – masculine qualities in a woman
  4. Usufructurary – a person who has use or enjoyment of something, especially property
  5. Ultracrepidarian – Of one who speaks or offers opinions on matters beyond their knowledge (which could have gone well with last week’s ‘mansplaining’)
  6. Tetrapyloctomy – The act of splitting a hair four ways
  7. Sgiomlaireached — The habit of dropping in at mealtimes
  8. Scolecophagous – one who eats worms
  9. Psithurism – the sound of wind in the trees or rustling leaves
  10. Oculoplania – the habit of biting one’s fingernails