Writing Prompts – Creative Copy Challenge #473

This is a writing prompt. Bet you can’t do it! Take the 10 random words below and crush writer’s block by creating a cohesive, creative short story! And remember: after (if) you finish entering your submission into the comment field, highlight your words and click the bold button to make them stand out and help you determine if you forgot any words. (If you’ve missed previous writing prompts, we BET YOU CAN’T do those, either.) NOTE: Our bolding plugin is gone, so you’ll have to put before and after each of your challenge words if you want them to stand out, but NOT REQUIRED THOUGH! Or, as cleverly done by a CCC-er you can CAPITALIZE the challenge words in your piece.

Adjectives — descriptive words that modify nouns — often come under fire for their cluttering quality, but often it’s quality, not quantity, that is the issue. Plenty of tired adjectives are available to spoil a good sentence, but when you find just the right word for the job, enrichment ensues. So let’s try to learn, possibly relearn even, some good noun modifiers:

  1. Zealous: eager, devoted
  2. Wheedling: flattering
  3. Voluble: glib, given to speaking
  4. Uxorious: inordinately affectionate or compliant with a wife
  5. Turgid: swollen, pompous
  6. Trenchant: sharp, penetrating, distinct
  7. Tenacious: persistent, cohesive
  8. Spasmodic: having to do with or resembling a spasm, excitable, intermittent
  9. Sclerotic: hardening
  10. Salubrious: healthful


Writing Prompts – Creative Copy Challenge #472

This is a writing prompt. Bet you can’t do it! Take the 10 random words below and crush writer’s block by creating a cohesive, creative short story! And remember: after (if) you finish entering your submission into the comment field, highlight your words and click the bold button to make them stand out and help you determine if you forgot any words. (If you’ve missed previous writing prompts, we BET YOU CAN’T do those, either.) NOTE: Our bolding plugin is gone, so you’ll have to put before and after each of your challenge words if you want them to stand out, but NOT REQUIRED THOUGH! Or, as cleverly done by a CCC-er you can CAPITALIZE the challenge words in your piece.

  1. Patriotism
  2. Respect
  3. Tolerance
  4. Fortitude
  5. Prosperity
  6. Contrition
  7. Arbitration
  8. Ridiculous
  9. Temperate
  10. Justification

Writing Prompts – Creative Copy Challenge #471

This is a writing prompt. Bet you can’t do it! Take the 10 random words below and crush writer’s block by creating a cohesive, creative short story! And remember: after (if) you finish entering your submission into the comment field, highlight your words and click the bold button to make them stand out and help you determine if you forgot any words. (If you’ve missed previous writing prompts, we BET YOU CAN’T do those, either.) NOTE: Our bolding plugin is gone, so you’ll have to put before and after each of your challenge words if you want them to stand out, but NOT REQUIRED THOUGH! Or, as cleverly done by a CCC-er you can CAPITALIZE the challenge words in your piece.

  1. Windbag
  2. Fragged
  3. Pyrite
  4. Purpose
  5. Sore looser
  6. Inaugural
  7. Innumerable
  8. Hostile
  9. Spoil-sport
  10. Adjustment


Writing Prompt – Creative Copy Challenge #470

This is a writing prompt. Bet you can’t do it! Take the 10 random words below and crush writer’s block by creating a cohesive, creative short story! And remember: after (if) you finish entering your submission into the comment field, highlight your words and click the bold button to make them stand out and help you determine if you forgot any words. (If you’ve missed previous writing prompts, we BET YOU CAN’T do those, either.) NOTE: Our bolding plugin is gone, so you’ll have to put before and after each of your challenge words if you want them to stand out, but NOT REQUIRED THOUGH! Or, as cleverly done by a CCC-er you can CAPITALIZE the challenge words in your piece.

  1. Moose
  2. Antler
  3. Horn
  4. Consumption
  5. Jealous
  6. Ideology
  7. Contradiction
  8. Elephant
  9. Donkey
  10. Rhetoric

Writing Prompts – Creative Copy Challenge #469

This is a writing prompt. Bet you can’t do it! Take the 10 random words below and crush writer’s block by creating a cohesive, creative short story! And remember: after (if) you finish entering your submission into the comment field, highlight your words and click the bold button to make them stand out and help you determine if you forgot any words. (If you’ve missed previous writing prompts, we BET YOU CAN’T do those, either.) NOTE: Our bolding plugin is gone, so you’ll have to put before and after each of your challenge words if you want them to stand out, but NOT REQUIRED THOUGH! Or, as cleverly done by a CCC-er you can CAPITALIZE the challenge words in your piece.

  1. Resolution
  2. Self-loathing
  3. Goalless
  4. Sluffing
  5. Improvement
  6. Procrastination
  7. Side-stepping
  8. Growth
  9. Re-evaluation
  10. Promises