Taking a break

You have probably noticed my absence lately, and I apologise for that.

Lately my work has really taken off and I don’t have a minute to spare.

I will be taking a break from the Challenge for a short while until everything settles down again.  I have really missed being here and reading your stories (and stirring up my own imagination) so I will be back again. I just can’t tell you when.

I wish you all the luck in the world with your writing.  Keep it up because the work in here is genius!

See you again in the future.


Checking in with you

Hi.  Anne, here.

It’s Saturday morning, 8 am.  Once again I’ve had the joy of waking up to find a fabulous piece of writing waiting here for me.  What a reward for getting out of bed in the mornings!

I am in awe of the talent here in our group.

Mitch, I want to say thank you for your support.  You do an amazing job in both writing and supporting us all.

I thought I’d check in to see how you’re all travelling with CCC.

Is one challenge per week enough for you or are you ready to go back to two?

Is there anything you’d like me to be doing that I am not?

If you would like to submit your words for a challenge, you can send them to me at (without the spaces) info@ cleverstreak.com.  And feel free to shoot me an email if ever you want to.  🙂

Enjoy your weekend.




CCC – Rising again.

Hi friends.  Do you fancy playing with the Creative Copy Challenge again?

I’m Anne Maybus and I am one of the many former contributors to this amazing site.  I’ve missed the Challenge.  When I had a writer’s block I knew that the challenge would help me to think clearly and creatively once again. You probably blessed the CCC for your own reasons.

I’d love to see the CCC running again and so I’ve come to ask for your support as I take over the reins for a while to see what I can do.

The first thing you need to know is that I am in Australia, so that means I spell some words differently to accepted US spelling.  Don’t worry about it.  Spell the words your own way.

The next thing you need to know is that I am a beginner as an admin for the CCC. I will be feeling my way through so if I miss anything, I’d love you to tell me.

The final thing you need to know is that I am going to upload a challenge just once a week to begin with.  Let’s see how we go and if the enthusiasm and support is there, I will return to the two challenges per week that we used to have.

So, what do you think?  Are you ready to join in once again?

I expect to kick off on 3rd June so come back to Creative Copy Challenge and bring a bright mind with you.

Happy Memorial Day! No Challenge Today

Eat, Drink and Memorialize.

Come back ready to crush the block on Thursday!




Mitch & Shane



CCC Changes Afoot

I’ve done every CCC since we began. It’s been a wonderful ride and I truly feel the CCC regulars are my literary family. I’ve never been part of an online community as cool as this one and I couldn’t imagine not having the CCC as a part of my life.

As unfortune would have it though, I need to take a hiatus from various items in my personal life so that I can avoid exploding mentally and physically. The CCC is one item on the list. I’ve been struggling for over three months just to finish my own entries, much less read and respond to everyone’s awesome entries. I’ve also been struggling to keep my house, but I digress.

Anyway, I’ve found a great solution to keep the CCC going without shutting it down. Mitch has graciously accepted my offer to fill in for me for the month of May so I can get my bleep in order. Mitch represents the awesomesauce of the CCC to perfection – extremely talented and creative, and super supportive of fellow writers. As I log into my admin, I can see his name as the top commenter here, so I believe he will do a fantastic job.

Hell, I may just be able to do every post for the month of May. We’ll see. If after May ends and I haven’t gotten my stuff in order and Mitch can’t fill in, I have a few other regulars I’d like to ask (you know who you are 🙂 ) to fill the void.

Sorry to dampen your day, but tis life I guess.

Write on!

Sorry CCCrs!

I went on an unexpected mini-vacation-help-a-family-member trip and forgot to schedule a challenge post to drop on Monday. I didn’t get back home until 4:00 A.M. Sorry for the non-notice all, but we’ll jump right back into the fun on Thursday. I’ll catch up on all my comments later today too.


No Challenge Today Either

I need a few more days to get everything in my personal/family situation in order. We’ll jump back into the mix on Monday. Thanks to everyone who left me kind words. I really appreciate it. It’s been a tough go thus far.


Sorry, no challenge today

I have some nagging health issues that are dogging me so I’ll just see you all on Thursday.

Writing Prompts – Creative Copy Challenge #275

Mitchell Allen is choosing our words today. (I’m on vacation this week, so you guys take care of each other while I’m gone. And be good. Just kidding; go nuts!)

This is a writing prompt. Bet you can’t do it! Take the 10 random words below and crush writer’s block by creating a cohesive, creative short story! And remember: after (if) you finish entering your submission into the comment field, highlight your words and click the bold button to make them stand out and help you determine if you forgot any words. (If you’ve missed previous writing prompts, we BET YOU CAN’T do those, either.)

  1. Diocese – the district under the jurisdiction of a bishop
  2. Anthropologist
  3. Judge
  4. Fish
  5. Baker
  6. Chromosome
  7. Derby
  8. Handicapped
  9. Drum
  10. Parliament – An institution whose elected or appointed members meet to debate the major political issues of the day and usually to exercise legislative powers and sometimes judicial powers. (also: a collective noun for a flock of owls or rooks)

NOTE: Don’t copy and paste from MS Word. Use a program like notepad that removes formatting or just type in the comment field itself. Also, finish your submission, THEN bold the words. Thanks. (And don’t forget to tweet this and share it with your friends.)


Happy Memorial Day 2012

No challenge today CCC Family. Get some rest, enjoy family and I’ll see you on Thursday.