Writing Prompt – Creative Copy Challenge #705

Here are 10 words.
They are semi-related… and sometimes not. That’s what makes it a challenge.
I am inviting you to take these 10 words, below, and see how you can use them in a poem, a piece of flash fiction, a short short story….
You never know when being relaxed about your writing can help you focus on your main project or… just come here each week, play with words, help your children have fun with words and challenge them to write too.

Come back. Post what you’ve written and get some FREE, Positive response to your writing!

Some of us BOLD the Challenge Words. Some CAPITALIZE them… just to make it easy to see how many of the challenge words you are able to work into your penning!

  1. Birth
  2. Offspring
  3. Feathers
  4. Unfold
  5. Sprinkle
  6. Fruitful
  7. Beak
  8. Nose
  9. Tail
  10. Perch

7 Comments on “Writing Prompt – Creative Copy Challenge #705”

  1. The Fledglings

    April’s offspring dream

    of dancing on sunshine-lofted

    currents swirling, rising

    clinging to the billowing curve

    of cumulus clouds. Tentative,

    new-fledged wings unfold,

    try the gentle breeze, testing

    tender feathers, ruffled,

    teetering at the nest’s edge.

    Flicker-tail balanced, perched –

    hungry to wet the beak,

    to sprinkle feathers in the garden bath

    after a fruitful morning

          a stealthy cat has a nose for rain.

  2. babswh says:

    Spring offers so many wonders. I love the sound of the birds tweeting in the early morning. It often brings the BIRTH of OFFSPRING looking to explore their new world.  Their fluffy FEATHERS are yet to fully form. When they do, they will UNFOLD and carry them far away to create more OFFSPRING. Often the mother and father will PERCH near the nest, taking turns to protect the new fledglings. Their BEAKS and TAILS are so tiny in the beginning. Some birds are tiny, like the Hummingbird. They love to fly around the SPRINKLE of colorful blooms spread out in the yard. It really is FRUITFUL to have so many blossoms spread out even though they tickle the NOSE. They bring these amazing tiny creatures to visit our yard. It’s fun to watch the flutter of their wings as they dip their long beaks into the blooms drinking their sweet nectar.  

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