Writing Prompt – Creative Copy Challenge #706

Here are 10 words.
They are semi-related… and sometimes not. That’s what makes it a challenge.
I am inviting you to take these 10 words, below, and see how you can use them in a poem, a piece of flash fiction, a short short story….
You never know when being relaxed about your writing can help you focus on your main project or… just come here each week, play with words, help your children have fun with words and challenge them to write too.

Come back. Post what you’ve written and get some FREE, Positive response to your writing!

Some of us BOLD the Challenge Words. Some CAPITALIZE them… just to make it easy to see how many of the challenge words you are able to work into your penning!

  1. Bark
  2. Holler
  3. Amber
  4. Kindling
  5. Ashes
  6. Circle
  7. giggle
  8. Owl
  9. Laugh
  10. Hoot

3 Comments on “Writing Prompt – Creative Copy Challenge #706”

  1. chetensign says:

    You can say you don’t believe in ghosts if you must but spend a week in my boots and you’ll change your mind, better believe. We lived down ta the holler, momma, grammmie Kay, and us kids. Dad weren’t around much cause he was off someplace far away, mining amber momma said, and only come back when he needed to rest or heal up from some fight. He didn’t send back much money but mom gave a harsh laugh that sounded like a bark when I asked and said it was ok. We saved so much off the whiskey he didn’t drink that we was making ends meet. Grammie would say that was a hoot and give me a hug and little sissy would giggle and so it all seemed all right.

    Something was wrong though that I was too young to understand cause it was the barn owl screeching woke us up to the smoke and later the sheriff said it was daddy put the kindling all around the house and late one night, standing in the ashes that had been grammie’s bed room, I saw a circle on the ground reflect the moonlight. I reached dodwn and picked up the ring grammie’d always promised would be mine someday. And then it was like someone ran fingers through my hair and the back of my neck stood up but I remembered to say thank you.

    I still feel that tingling sometimes and whenever I do, I twist grammie’s ring on my finger and ask God to have mercy on daddy’s poor soul.

  2. babswh says:

     Terry gathered KINDLING for the fire. She heard the distant BARK of a dog followed by a HOLLER as someone called the dog back to them. As she walked back to the CIRCLE she heard a GIGGLE. Her friend AMBER was hiding behind the trees near the clearing trying to surprise her. Terry smiled as her friend jumped from behind the tree. Her LAUGH broke the dead silence around them. That started a fit of laughter from the both of them. Somehow, they managed to get the fire started in between their hysterics. Eventually their fits settled into hushed voices as they watched the fire turn into ASHES. They loved camping out here among nature and the stars. As they put out the final sparks, they could hear the HOOT of an OWL above their heads. They looked up to see two beady eyes watching them from the branches above. They shivered from its stare and rushed into their tent. Eventually all that could be heard was the HOOT from the OWL and their rhythmic breathing as they fell into a deep sleep.

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